Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8 is Upsy Daisy Day

There's been a lot of traffic on the site the past couple of days and I thought it only appropriate to do what I could to help keep it flowing.  So we are celebrating Upsy Daisy day with a very apropos original image by Bolles, painted for a 1937 issue of Breezy Stories.  The original painting is available (Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with the vendor). 

Bolles incorporated flowers into many of his paintings, sometimes for their symbolic value and in other cases to add a bit of visual trickery.  Take a look at the 1936 Gay Parisienne to your right and what you may initially perceive as a strategically (or not so, depending on your perspective) placed hole in her swimsuit is actually part of a floral motif.  Pretty tricky and perhaps more significant, a very early depiction of a bikini.


Unknown said...

Good eyes, Jack.

Jack R said...

It wasn't that hard to see, was it Brandon?

Unknown said...

I suppose not.

Jack R said...

Well, not that I typically look out for such details, but Bolles did have a habit of this.