Of all Bolles' one-shot covers today's example, published in 1929, reigns above all others. What a mashup! There's the piquant; a fairy. There's the pungent; she happens to be naked (except for the stylish shoes. No way Bolles could resist adding them). There's the peppery; she's embracing a rather dour peacock. And then the pleasing; the ultramarine field of pansies. Yes, Ginger was preserved, perfectly! Sadly, Bolles was never to paint another cover for this title. But if you want your own there's a really great copy currently for sale on eBay But don't hesitate, this auction ends in just a few hours!
I've enjoyed looking at your blog off and on over the last couple of years. Bolles' work first caught my eye in THE GREAT AMERICAN PIN-UP and since then I've gotten a couple of FILM FUNS and a BREEZY STORIES on ebay. I enjoy the carefree, happy atmosphere of Bolles' paintings and the bright colors.
Some time back I ran across a reference to Bolles' being born in Florida. I don't suppose you could shed any light on that connection? His birthplace is only about 30 minutes' drive from where I live. My wife and I drove out there once but little is left other than a cemetery (with no family members buried in it), a church or two, and rural residences. Did his father try to make a go of citrus farming? Many did in this area at that time.
I hope your book will be published someday as I would love to read it. I salute the research you have done and your willingness to share it with others.
Hi Josh, I'm glad to hear you are a Bolles fan! Thanks for your kind comments about the blog. Your right about Enoch's father. He and his brother were chemists and owned an orchard but used the fruit for the production of perfumes, toothpastes and other concoctions. The entire family would travel from New Jersey to Florida with the growing season and Enoch spent long hours working the orchards. But they ended up selling out (the official account is that they could not find reliable local labor, but I think there was also a lawsuit over land ownership). I may have the land records of their property around somewhere. If I can find them I'll send them to you. Also, all the family members were buried in New Jersey. Finally, the likelihood of a book is rising and I hope to make an announcement within the coming months. Best, Jack
I've enjoyed looking at your blog off and on over the last couple of years. Bolles' work first caught my eye in THE GREAT AMERICAN PIN-UP and since then I've gotten a couple of FILM FUNS and a BREEZY STORIES on ebay. I enjoy the carefree, happy atmosphere of Bolles' paintings and the bright colors.
Some time back I ran across a reference to Bolles' being born in Florida. I don't suppose you could shed any light on that connection? His birthplace is only about 30 minutes' drive from where I live. My wife and I drove out there once but little is left other than a cemetery (with no family members buried in it), a church or two, and rural residences. Did his father try to make a go of citrus farming? Many did in this area at that time.
I hope your book will be published someday as I would love to read it. I salute the research you have done and your willingness to share it with others.
Hi Josh,
I'm glad to hear you are a Bolles fan! Thanks for your kind comments about the blog. Your right about Enoch's father. He and his brother were chemists and owned an orchard but used the fruit for the production of perfumes, toothpastes and other concoctions. The entire family would travel from New Jersey to Florida with the growing season and Enoch spent long hours working the orchards. But they ended up selling out (the official account is that they could not find reliable local labor, but I think there was also a lawsuit over land ownership). I may have the land records of their property around somewhere. If I can find them I'll send them to you. Also, all the family members were buried in New Jersey. Finally, the likelihood of a book is rising and I hope to make an announcement within the coming months.
Jack,there was a freeze tgar didn't help the citrus orchards much in that area.
Noah Bolles
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