After the countless posts I've made about other people's weird holidays it's time that the Enoch Bolles blog establish one of its own. Since last week's entries on Bolles variations of the figure four headlock upon several variations of hapless male-folk it became apparent to me that Enoch had a particular thing against snowmen.
Take a look at this example, which I may have previously posted but have cleaned up and boosted the colors to what I estimate is a truer depiction of this heinous crime in all its lurid glory. Our poor snowman may think he's as snug as a bug but it is obvious that within minutes he'll be suffering from a terminal case of cranial hyperthermia, if the ashes she's flicking off her fag don't fatally singe him first. Poor old frosty hasn't a clue of the decerebrate fate that soon awaits him. He'll be facedown in the snow in mere seconds. Take a stand now. No more snowman abuse!
Uhm, I don't think that we can get there from here.
Ha! Off on the tangent we go! I wonder how many beach scenes with the girl-on-the-shoulders Bolles did?
Hi Alan,
As far as I know, two. And one of them is unpublished.
No snowman abuse here. I have never seen a more content snowman in my life
He does seem to be happily resigned to his fate.
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