It's so nice to have talented and generous folks who visit this site and are willing to lend a hand to help promote Enoch Bolles. Bob, who runs the must-see site classic movie site Allure, sent me this masterful fix-up of the Bad Girl promo. Doesn't Sally ("Sally sold seats Sunday at the cinema...") look even better now that that awful run in her nylons has been fixed? Speaking of Allure, it's also loaded with fabulous links that I'm sure you'll be interested in. I just took a look at one of them, Out of the Past which has a lot of great content. Enjoy!
I've always loved young flapper girls in 20s style bloomers. This garment was usually made of art silk, (artificial silk.) Rendering diaphenous, lusterous silk is not easy, as I know from my days as an illustrator. But get it right and there is nothing as sensual, they act as a tantalising vail, concealing and revealing at one and the same time.
This girl is not really bad, just naughty, like all fun loving flappers in the jazz age.
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