Yesterday I had the pleasure of hosting Enoch's grandson Rick at my home. We spent the evening talking about the life and work of Enoch Bolles while we pored over over magazines, letters and other documents I've acquired over the past decade. It was a thrill to hear Rick describe sitting at Enoch's side watching him paint and their discussions that covered everything from classical music to scientific advances. For the span of a few hours I had a direct connection to Enoch Bolles, born nearly 130 years ago! Our time together also reminded me of why I've persisted with this project for so long. For as much as it was his dazzling art that started me on this journey, it is my admiration for him as a person that has led me to continue.
.Yes, Enoch Bolles is not your typical pinup artist. While many of his artistic peers were hanging out at the Salmagundi Club or more notoriously, the Paradise (with the showgirls who were moonlighting as their models!) Enoch was more likely to be toiling late at his studio before he took the train home to be with his wife and six children. In his older years he was the beloved family patriarch who had a special affinity for the youngest members of his clan and who enjoyed painting their portraits. There's a lot more that I could add but instead I'll leave you with this photo of Enoch reading to his granddaughters. It tells the story better than I can.
That's a great outcome. I'm pleased that your blog has brought you some satisfaction, I always enjoy your posts!
Thanks, and I love your photos! I once owned a 1950 Buick Special, 61 Chrysler Imperial and 59' Dodge Coronet (my 'work' car) and so your blog brings back lots of memories. And I grew up in Lincoln too so the photo you posted was a pleasant surprise.
Hi Jack! Do you think this is a Bolles pin-up?
Hi Mariana,
It's a Bolles! In fact it's my Bolles and I'm looking at it right now (I own the painting). They must have swiped it off my Illustration Magazine article.
Very nice picture.
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