Enoch Bolles, 1915
A year after he
published his first
cover for Judge.
After I caught the Bolles bug I begain prowling the Internet and other databases to dig up more about him. I could locate nothing of fact, and this was a time when his peers commanded the public's attention far beyond that of all but the greatest film stars. What little I could find was rife with was sensationalism and rumor. Did he horrifically deface his paintings and die in alone in a sanitarium? Or had a stroke stripped Bolles of his artistic powers at the very moment that pinup art had become a genre unto itself.
I spent the next year year digging in old newspapers, government databases and genealogical records until I finally struck pay dirt. A phone call later and I was on the line with his 88 year old daughter, Theresa. And so began a new a new chapter in my journey to uncover the truth about his life and work.
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